Light Cement Board Production

Technical Solutions for your Products

Starting from raw material feeding, continuous flow mixing and forming, followed by curing, stacking and ready palletizing – we provide suitable solutions for your production flow.

Our water jet cutting units prove precise edge finishing for a wide span of reinforcing fabrics used for cement boards.

Plant Parameters


Production speeds: 4 – 10 m/min

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    Board width: up to 1.200 mm

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    Length: variable from 1.800 to 3.500 mm

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    Product thickness: 10 – 50 mm


Use of a wide variety of light weight raw materials
(EPS, Vermiculite, Perlite, foam glass, etc.) and additives leads to reduced board weight in line with the use of mostly standard cement

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Stefan Backof

Contact light cement board plants

Tel.: +49 (0)8431 5387-0